Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Airbus Company, "A European Consortium For Aircraft Manufacturing"

Image from wikipedia.org
At the end of year 2014, The European Aeronautic Defence and Space (EADS) launched the Rosetta Mission to capture a comet. However, EADS not only registered in aerospace field. On July 2013, EADS joined to European multinational aerospace and defence and their renamed into Airbus Group which is a European Corporation headquartered in Toulouse (city in France).

There are three divisions in Airbus Group. Three of them are The Airbus, Airbus Defence and Space and Airbus Helicopters. Those divisions have been operating their research and development, Manufacturing and Support for Civil Airliner, Military Aircraft and Space and Helicopter respectively. Nowadays, the most popular division is “The Airbus Civil Airliner” which has been competing with Boeing (US’s Civil Airliner Manufacturing). In addition to the details of Airbus, here are some information’s from Airbus.

Airbus Division. This division has been manufacturing three types of Aircraft. They are manufactured into different purposes. The famous one is Airbus 380 which had been claimed into world’s largest passenger aircraft. The three types are passenger aircraft, corporate jets and freighter aircraft. They are shown below respectively.

Passenger Aircraft’s families. The aircrafts are A320 Family, A330 Family, A340 Family, A350 XWB and A380.

 A320 Family
The 100-seat single-aisle jetliner, "Airbus A318"
Smaller routes aircraft with comfortable and technology equipped, "Airbus 319"
Single aisle standards aircraft, "A320-Family's founding version"
The longest-fuselage and most efficient single-aisle jetliner, "Airbus A321"

A330 Family
The versatile mid-size widebody aircraft, "Airbus A330-200"
The economical mid-size widebody aircraft, "Airbus A330-300"

 A340 Family
The shortest-fuselage aircraft, "Airbus A340-200"
The quitest mid-size airliner, "Airbus A340-300"

The ultra-long range with excellent comfort, "Airbus A340-500"

The longest-fuselage airliner, "Airbus A340-600"
 A350 XWB Family
The 276-seater shapes efficiency aircraft, "Airbus XWB A350-800"

The 315-seater shapes efficiency aircraft, "Airbus XWB A350-900"

The 369-seater, longest member aircraft, "Airbus XWB A350-100"
A380 Family
The double-deck world's largest commercial aircraft, "Airbus A380"
The Airbus Corporate Jets Families (ACJF). This type of aircraft offers top-quality features. They are innovative and well-equipped interior design and support. This type serves 9 different aircrafts. They are ACJ318, ACJ319, ACJ319 Elegance, ACJ320, ACJ321, ACJ330, ACJ340, ACJ350, and ACJ380. This division has a word for customer, “Excellence and innovations in VIP cabins and customized services for Airbus Corporate Jets”.

Airbus ACJ318

Airbus ACJ319

Airbus ACJ319 Elegance

Airbus ACJ320

Airbus ACJ 321

Airbus ACJ 330

Airbus ACJ 340

Airbus ACJ 350

Airbus ACJ 380
Freighter and Tanker Aircraft. In the world of Aircraft, the world’s largest transport aircraft was claimed by Antonov. Although Antonov has the largest aircraft, Airbus has established their product in Freighter Aircraft by serving customer in reliable, flexible and profitable operations. This type of product serves costumer with their three top tanker aircraft. They are A330-200F, A330P2F Passenger-to-Freighter Conversion and Airbus Beluga A300 Cargo Airlifter.

Airbus A330-200F
Airbus A330P2F
Airbus Beluga A300 Airlifter
All images are downloaded from airbus.com
Next article is the last two of division from Airbus. They are Airbus Defence and Space; Airbus Helicopters.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Writing Practice for IELTS Test, "Pie Chart Report"


There are plenty of food advertisements in TV. In this writing, almost 90% of unhealthy food advertisements play role on TV's commercial. Based on the pie chart, there are wide types of advertised foods.

Unhealthy foods were the number one ruled of TV advertising in 2005. They made contribution for 89% of the total. The highest one is Candy and Snacks advertisements. They made up for 34% of total for unhealthy foods. Followed by them, Sugared Cereal contributed just fewer than 30% of unhealthy foods advertising. Moreover, Fast-food, Dine-in restaurants and soda-soft drinks contributed for 26% collectively.

Healthy foods were advertised just above 10% from the total of TV advertising in the same year. Fruit juices made up the least; they only made contribution for one percent of the healthy food ads. Diary and prepared foods made equal percentage on TV advertising. Both of them contributed for 8% collectively. The last 2% was made up by breads and pastries.

In addition to make the report properly for academic writing, there are a few things that you have to know, they are:
In chart writing (Pie chart and Graphs), the overall trends are must be written whether they put in first or last paragraph. However, the best location is in the first paragraph after the main clause.
The best number of paragraph in chart writings are three paragraphs. They are first paragraph for Introduction and Overall Trends. And then followed by second paragraph as first body paragraph that describes the most/ highest/ or biggest. Finally, the third paragraph as second body paragraph describes the least/ lowest/ or smallest.
The overall trends are the explanation of the chart with comprehensive understanding. It starts from the comparison and contrasting from the data which are shown
This article is not fully correct because this is only my writing practice. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

File Sharing, “Peer-to-Peer Networking”

Image from www.ictknowledgebase.org.uk
Nowadays, the demand of information is higher than before. It is caused by the information around the world is important. The stock exchange, the world news and many more make people hungry for information. Then, the sharing methods are used to spread it all over the world.

One of things that could be shared around the world is a file. There are plenty of files you will find in search engine such as Google and Yahoo and then you can download them. They are begun from Office’s data, Audio-Video data, and even Software Files. People are absolutely hungry for Information and they need media to share it.

Social media is one of the media that could share anything of information. Facebook, Twitter and Google plus already given a feature that support media sharing. However, not all of social media give a lot of space in sharing. Only Google, from their feature is called Google Drive (a digital drive). Although Google has a great feature in media sharing, but it is still less of space. Then, how people could share their files around the world with high capacity?

Peer-to-peer was designed and created so every computer can be role as server and client at the same time. This architecture will help user to share their files easily and quickly. The best thing, in peer-to-peer networking, every station’s or computer’s s files can be shared and the share’s files are separate into sharing resources and services. These means that if people want download a single file, then it is downloaded not only from one source but also from another source which be found in peer-to-peer range.

Although the peer-to-peer helps people on their work, however peer-to-peer networking has disadvantages. They are the scale of the network and security. The security is unsafe because every station plays role as sharing resources so everyone could take the files as much as they want. These issue would is solved by every files in client computer are backed-up. In the other hand, the administration should be in one station centrally so a well-equipped administrator is importantly needed.

Peer-to-peer networking is also known as workgroup. It means that the computers are connected into a single group. Every user in every computer has responsibility to manage the computer as resources because everything include on the station are fully authorized by the owner.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Web PageRank, the Meaning and How to Improve It

Image from casinoaffiliatesprograms.com
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is discussed by most blogger recently. One of the SEO’s methods is the Meta Tag that lead blogs or websites have rank in search engine. The more rank that they have, the more optimize they shown up in the first page of the search engine. So, what the Web PageRank it is?

A web PageRank is an algorithm that has function to decide which blogs or websites are popular. It is a main feature from Search Engines so the users could find what they want easily and specifically. PageRank was created by Larry Page on his search engine websites, Google. It is known as Google PageRank that has authorization to determine which blogs or websites are the best.

The way of Google PageRank decided the blogs or websites based on the quantity of the backlink. In addition to make a backlink, the contents of blogs or websites are trusted and have advantages. They must be targeted to specific topics and also better from other blogs or websites. Technically speaking, the backlink was built by the combination of four things which are Meta Tags, The Contents and the topics. It is known as Link Popularity which is based Meta Keywords and Meta Description.

Based on the link popularity, the web PageRank’s working repeatedly. The rank will be updated in certain time so the blogs or websites are being updated frequently. Furthermore, it means that the rank occurred over and over again in periodic time. So, the process is recursive.  In order to make the rank of your webpage higher you have to know about the Meta Keywords and Meta Description. Those are two important things when started to build blog or website. They are the keywords’ topic and the explanation of it.

The increasing of web PageRank is based on the latest of algorithm. It happens every day in certain time. Logically, to improve it, you should update your blog’s or website’s contents daily. The use of Meta Keywords and the title are important so they will easier for known by the algorithm. They should be written in accurate and relevance ways. They will describe the full content of your blog or website and at the same time build the topic specifically so it will be easy to submit your blog or website in the Search Engine’s sitemap.

Eventually, the web PageRank gives an indication that your blogs or websites are trusted and reliable. It means that the relevance and the importance of your contents are highly-recommended.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Key to Optimize Google Adsense Revenue is SMART

image from plus.google.com
One of the highest revenue in making money online is Google Adsense. It is a great PPC (Paid Per Click) advertising which is a product from Google company. As a blogger, everyone knows what exactly Google AdSense is. In this article, the talks about optimize the revenue are the main topic.

Some people might said that earn money from Google AdSense is difficult. It is not the same with PPC’s advertising. In order to become the publisher of it, bloggers need to apply the form of application. However, it is not something easy to do. It is hard and needed a high-qualified of blog’s requirement to become the publisher. The question is how to do that?

The most difficult job to earn money from Google AdSense is being SMART. It is abbreviation from Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable and Targetable. If you find tips and tricks from any blogs or websites, most of them will suggest plenty of things which are High-Niches of Keywords, well-equipped themes, high-recommended CTR’s keyword and SEO. Although those are important when start a well-supported AdSense’s Blog, but they are so hard to do and needed lot of data.

Specific blog’s topics. According to my experience based on having discussion with another blogger and also reading an article about Google AdSense, a highly advertisements of niches are important. However, they are not become the top priority. The specific topics are top priority. Some bloggers might give an example like “Health” and then it will lead into fitness, children healthy or cancer. That is a good choice, but if you could make it into like children dentistry or old-young healthy fitness are better. Other choices of topics that specifically are the best. Another example like insurance tips, you can change it specifically into family insurance tips or company insurance tips, more than that could be Asian family insurance tips and many more.

The blog’s topics must measurable. This method will lead blogger to write the topics not only in opinions but also the facts. Readers or internet do love topic with combination between opinions and facts. In addition to make they measurable, the topics must written logically. Furthermore, the blogs or websites are accountable to read and visitors would fell in love.

Are the topics achievable? Based on my experience in blogging, this is the biggest mistake that I have ever done. Every time I write an article for my blog, I rarely noticed it. Achievable means that the topics are in common sense. It means that people will do everything within your blog after they read the contents. But, remember, not in negative things. An example is like fitness, the contents must be easier to read and to do so every tip those written on your blog are easy to achieve. People do love these criteria.

The most important thing is reliable. These criteria are seen in highly-rank of blogs or websites. You could realize why Wikipedia.org becomes the source of information. Another are engadget.com, boingboing.net, mybloggertricks.com, those are a highly-reliable blogs. The only way they make the contents reliable is the evidence from their research of contents. They put an analysis and conclusion in every article that they had ever made.

Who is the target? If you observe the details of Alexa page rank, you will find the details of visitors. They are classified into specific things. One of them is the criteria of the visitors which are the countries, Sex and Age. Are your blog’s topics are targetable in specific things? Like for parents, women, athletes or students?

In the conclusion, Google AdSense revenue will be optimized if your blogs are SMART. It is because the information from the blogs is helpful. The more SMART your blogs, the more visitors will visit, and then the more earnings you will get.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Inspirational blog’s content, “Search it from Twitter”

Image from www.linkedin.com
As one of the popular social media, twitter makes people connected each other easily. However, most blogger only use it as a media for publish their blog. How about take an advantage from twitter’s hashtag so blogger are inspired when updated their blog’s content?

Hashtags on twitter are happened every hours and days. They are broadcasted by the user so the news are updated and easily to read when access the twitter. The useful is not only to make communications between the user filterable and selectable but also it has a feedback. From hashtag the communications become a wide range of discussion instantly.

The most powerful thing about hashtag is it comes from the popular events or news. It is happened because people around the world shared, retweeted it and even they have a conversation. It is commonly called by the user as trending topic. Furthermore, it is a great and powerful inspiration for blogger so they can write the blog’s content. This is one of the best ways to improve your blog’s niches.

In order to get inspired from trending topics as a new way to get inspiration, you need to stay updated on twitter. Finding a popular topics start from the most influential news. You can track popular hashtags as much as you want. It can be used by utilize the hashtag tools like Tagboard; Hastagify; TweetBinder; Twubs. Those tools are useful in hashtag grouping. Not only the grouping but also it could be managed and monitored on your own.

With the use of hashtags and the benefits are broadcasting, sharing and updating, bloggers can be inspired and their blog’s visitors are increase as their blog’s contents appropriate with the trending topics. Twitter not only can be used as a publishing media, but also can inspire bloggers to write the latest news.

In the conclusion, hashtags with their trending topics are something important for bloggers so they can update their blogs easily. This is a free way to find the best niches or keywords. The idea of blog’s contents are obtained and written easily.  

How to Add Popular Posts Widget and Modify It

Blogger.com platform served blogger to edit and modify their blogs so it can be attractive. One of the features is popular posts widget. It is well-supported widget which manage the blog’s content systematically. The tutorial how to add the popular posts widget and the modification is written below.

Firstly, you need to open blogger.com on your browser’s bar. And then sign in to your blog. In the next stage go to blogger’s layout and click it. Then, click “Add a Gadget” on the layout so you will find a list of widgets in new window of the browser. At the same time, choose or search a widget that namely “Popular Posts” and then click it. After clicked it, the configuration of popular posts will be shown and you need to configure its settings. The best options to set it are uncheck the image thumbnail and snippet. It’s better to keep it natural and clean and then save it.

In order to modify your popular posts widget, you need to customize it with using a plugin. The “popular posts” which has just created is in default styles form. Technically speaking, the designing of it needs a custom styles method. So, the next stage is click to your blog’s template on the dashboard. And then, back up the template so if anything goes wrong, you can turn it back to normal. Furthermore, you click the “Edit HTML” and then the list of HTML’s codes is shown. At the same time, search for a </b:skin> code and then expand it with click the black arrow. And then copy and paste the bellows code’s styles below just above </b:skin>.

/*--- Tips Monetize Popular Posts --- */
.popular-posts ul {
padding-left: 0px;
counter-reset: popcount;
.popular-posts ul li:before {
list-style-type: none;
margin-right: 15px;
padding: 0.3em 0.6em;
counter-increment: popcount;
content: counter(popcount);
font-size: 16px;
background: #292D30;
color: #ffffff;
position: relative;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: georgia;
float: left;
border: 2px solid #dddddd;
box-shadow: 1px 2px 9px #666666; }
.popular-posts ul li {
border-bottom: 1px dashed #dddddd;
.popular-posts ul li:hover {
border-bottom: 1px dashed #696969;
.popular-posts ul li a {
text-decoration:none; color:#5A5F63;
.popular-posts ul li a:hover {

Finally, if you want to customize the background’s color and the color just edit the number of it (according to html codes of color) and save your template and done. Visit your blog to see if it works.

Popular Posts

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